Saturday, April 12, 2014

And that's what it's all about!

I’m sitting on the couch on a beautiful Saturday afternoon feeling tired and happy.  Today was a really good day!

After 14 months of trying to figure out what was going on with my hip / back (which was causing a lot of pain pretty much all the time), my PT figured out that my sacrum was stuck backwards and a little twisted due to the way I landed on it in a wreck in October 2012.  The technical term is a “counter-nutation” of the sacrum.  I’ve been doing some specific stretches and exercises for 2 months, and I’m stoked to report that things seem to be heading back to normal. Which makes me very happy!

During the course of last year when nobody could figure out what was going on, and cycling just caused too much pain, I began to explore some other fitness options, and rediscovered some things that I love to do and had forgotten about.  Which makes me very happy!

In February or March last year, I started teaching a HIIT (high intensity interval training) class at Greenville Fitness, and returned to a love of Lifting Heavy Stuff.  Steve has been doing it with me consistently, and we both love feeling strong.  Our current project is handstand push-ups.  We’re at least kinking the elbows a bit.  Which makes me very happy!

Around the same time I went to a beginner Zumba class.  It was a blast, but I distinctly remember thinking that my hips must be different from everyone else’s, because there’s no way they were ever going to move like that.  Well, things have improved a bit over a year, and I go to at least one class a week and to shake my booty with the others in the class. Which makes me very happy!

Two weekends ago I shocked the heck out of myself by painting a picture. I went to Uptown Art with a bunch of girls on a Friday night.  There was wine and cake and painting, and apparently I follow instructions well ha ha.  I really had a fun time being creative and I liked the way the picture turned out.  I would definitely hang it behind the bathroom door.  Which makes me very happy!

 Everyone that knows me, knows that I don’t do the cold very well.  I grumble and moan about the cold weather all winter, but you’ll never hear a peep out of me during the summer heat.  I am beyond thrilled that spring has finally arrived, and the weather is warm so I can get out and ride again.  Which makes me very happy!

Today was a fantastic day.  We rode up the watershed with friends and team mates on a perfect spring day, with no agenda, ate a freshly baked sticky bun and sat in the sunshine thinking about how wonderful life is.  Which makes me very happy!

So, looking back over the past year, I am grateful that I was derailed a bit from the focus of training and racing because I’ve experienced some things that I wouldn’t have made time for otherwise. I'm happy to be back on the bike too. Life is good.  Which makes me very happy!

1 comment:

  1. I am finally reading the blog and reading that you are so happy makes me very happy! I a agree that a no agenda ride is wonderful. And Jim and I would like to buy your painting. No really. It is fabulous!
